Friday, June 13, 2008


A couple of weeks ago some friends and I went to an international b-boy competition in Suwon, a city just south of Seoul. Here's what I learned there:

1. Break-dancing did not die in the 80's. It's alive and well in the b-boy/hip-hop world.
2. B-boy dance teams are not teams, they are crews.
3. Crew names should never end with an 's'.
4. You shouldn't underestimate a crew based on its name. Pokemon, the French crew in this competition, was not as lame or cheesy as I expected. In fact, they were not lame or cheesy at all - they were pretty amazing.
5. B-boy crews hail from surprising countries - like France, and also Russia, Norway, and China.
6. Korea has world-class b-boys.

Ok, so everything I learned at the competition is completely trivial. But it was fun! As is the video below, which shows part of a "battle" between the Gamblerz of Korea the All-Starz of Brazil. Korea is the team - oops, I mean the crew - on the left.