Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New title

For me, that is, not for the blog: tante. Tante is Dutch for aunt, and it's what this little guy will call me once he learns to talk. (I guess the Van Hulzens should get some sort of citation here since we're copying you all on that!) William David is almost three weeks old now. He's tiny, but I can tell he's strong - I feel him tugging on my heart strings all the way across the Pacific. (awwwww - you probably all know that I'm not too sappy or sentimental - but really, I can't wait to meet and cuddle with Will when I'm home at Christmas!)

Maybe I should change the blog title, or at least add a subtitle: traveling is awesome, but it has a downside - being so far away from loved ones. It's been fun hosting visitors here the past couple of months (watch for updates on my travels with Kirsten here soon), and I look forward to Mom and Dad's arrival on Friday. Remember that the rest of you are always welcome, too!


The Van Hulzens said...

Isn't Tante a fun title :-) That's how we told Kirsten and Kate that we were pregnant with Connor! We asked Kirsten if she knew what that meant...she didn't, but Kate did!
Kirsten sent us her travel journal...sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! Can't wait to see the pictures! I'm quite glad I didn't have to experience the food! The Subway you had one day sounded good to me!
We love keeping up with your daily life there and your travels!

christina said...

Heather jan, ACHQD LUYS!

More greetings await you here in Yerevan:-)

sean's smitty said...

Will can't wait to meet his Tante at Christmas! We'll keep sending pictures and updates until then - if you keep having adventures that we can experience vicariously through you!

sean's smitty said...

Will can't wait to meet his Tante at Christmas! We'll keep sending pictures and updates until then - if you keep having adventures that we can experience vicariously through you!