Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hiking Pics

Here are a few pictures from our Bukhansan hike (thanks, Kirsten!). These first two can be viewed together as a sort of panorama shot; we hiked up to one of the jagged peaks seen over my right shoulder (at this point, about an hour into the hike, Kirsten still didn't know that's where we were headed). From there we came down past the temple that's visible over Kirsten's left shoulder.

Here's part of the climb up; note the well-equipped Korean hiker that preceded us.

View from the top.

Steep descent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heather - The "day" hikers in Taiwan were quite similar! Even though the park we were in was practically on the metro line from Taipei, we met people in the park equipped with hard core gear for their trek across Yangmingshan. (Of course there were also large family groups who drove out there simply to sit in the shade all day and eat together outside of the city.) And that hike you guys took - looks pretty ambitious to me! Maybe a little extra gear wouldn't be out of place ...
