Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Please, be welcome

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Unfortunately, it seems the only words I have time to write these days are comments on my students' papers. Until I find a few spare moments in which to compose my next entry, I've decided to post an occasional picture to let you all know that I'm alive and well - and that I haven't given up on the blog!

I took this photo at Namdaemun Market the other day; it made me smile, and I hope it makes you smile too!


Anonymous said...

It absolutely made me smile! Your e-mail stating that you purchased your ticket for Panama gave me a broader grin, though! I can't wait to see you there!

sean's smitty said...

glad to know you're alive. i understand finding yourself short on time to blog. it always helps me to know that people do check in and read what i write, even if it isn't the most polished prose. i enjoy your updates. we always look forward to reading more.