Friday, December 14, 2007


That really is a word; I looked it up as I was grading response papers from my advanced English film class the other day. I knew vicissitude, but I'm pretty sure I've never seen it in its adjective form. My students sometimes get creative with prefixes and suffixes and changing word forms to make different parts of speech, and experimenting like that with known patterns in a foreign language is actually quite a good strategy. It doesn't always work, though, and at first I thought this might have been a case of that creativity gone awry.

I learn a lot from my students - not usually about English, but they are smart people who often come up with insightful comments and give me new perspectives on the issues we discuss in class. That's yet another reason that I love my job!


Gus/Adri said...

wow! interesting; have to see if I can work that into a sentence today. ;) --ae

The Van Hulzens said...

My students are often quite creative with their spellings too...but not on purpose :-) hvh

sean's smitty said...

i'll challenge sean to use that in a sentence at work today - see how his coworkers respond. glad you're enjoying your job! i learn words like esophagogastroscopy and necrotizing faciitis at my job.

Anonymous said...

Awww Heater. Where you been? I am happy to see you remain awesome. Merry Christmas.